

Friday, February 17, 2006

Last pre-post

Date: Feb. 17
Mileage: 11.2
February mileage: 250.0
Temperature on departure: 19

I just thought I'd do a quick post because I forgot to mention yesterday that the Susitna 100 race officials will be posting racers' progress live on their Web site. I'm not sure exactly where on the site this info will appear, or how up-to-date it will be, but there's a pretty good chance the World Wide Web know how well I'm doing before I do. How great is technology?

I wanted to put in a good, I mean really good, veg-out day today. But instead I spent most of the day doing last-minute TLC on the bike - gluing the tires to the rim, packing and repacking my gear, practicing tube changes on those awful-tight studded tires, adjusting the brakes and gearing, etc. I got out for a short ride early this morning to stay loose. I've been lulled into light dressing by the recent warm snap, and today's ride was a good reminder in one of life's important lessons - "just because it's not -20, does not mean it's warm." So, despite the call for sustained close-to-freezing temps tomorrow, I packed on the heavy side with extra clothing (after all, there's a better-than-not chance that I'll be rained on during the race, so I'm packing two complete changes of my bottom layers as well as every neoprene piece of gear I own.)

I've probably said this before, but I feel like I'm as ready as I'll ever be. That is, I'm as ready as I'll ever be in the universe where I don't have an extra two months to train or the money to buy a bomber winter bike. My current state of mind has tipped backed toward creeping anxiety. That's OK though. How crazy would I be if I wasn't nervous? Thanks to all for the well wishes and good energy. Hopefully everyhting will go well and I'll be back here in the next 48 hours to post a race report. That is, I'll post a race report after I've called my mom, caught a few winks and eaten the biggest Pepsi and goldfish breakfast this side of IHOP.

T minus 0 days, 12 hours, 48 minutes and counting.


  1. Jill,

    I hope to make it out to Big Lake to say bye and good luck. It depends on what the weather does to the Glenn Hwy over night. If I don't see you good luck to you both with your respective races (if I remember right, Geoff was doing the Little Su)!

    We'll be rootin' for you here in Anchorage!


  2. Jill,

    You're going to have a good time, because you already know how to suffer and have fun simultaneously.

    Your anxiety should fade quickly when you get a couple of miles under your wheels. You'll be with a very friendly, helpful crowd, and have plenty of people to share the experience with.

    Besides, you have me and the rest of your fellow bloggers supporting you in our, uh, "relaxed" way! I'll be watching for updates on the race site.

    Smoke 'em!

  3. Jill, again, good luck!! And have fun!

    I'd love to do a "20 Questions" interview segment with you after you finish and are rested! St. Louis cyclists would get a kick out of your adventure. Let me know. Plus, it would be nice to do a 20 Questions with somebody other then my doofus friends.


  4. Watching your progress on the website Jill. Keep on truckin!

  5. OORAH< Got you at Mile 75, Jill, good job so far, only 25 to go!

  6. Bib Sex Age First Name Last Name City State Division CP-1 Flat Horn Lake (Mile 25) CP-2 Eaglesong Lodge (Mile 46) CP-3 Luce's Lodge (Mile 55) CP-4 Flat Horn Lake (Mile 75) CP-5 Little Su (Mile 87) Finish Time out of last CP ELAPSED TIME Day:Hr:Min
    35 F 26 Jill Homer Homer AK Bike 12:43 12:50 16:33 16:47 18:45 18:47 23:55 1:05 5:43 5:45 2/19/06 5:45 0:20:45
    ON THE HOMESTRETCH! clear of MILE 87


Feedback is always appreciated!