Compared to the rest of the boat, I had an awful morning. I caught three cod, had four incidents of snagging other peoples' lines, and then nothing - for hours. I just stood out there in the wind and blowing snow, wielding a fishing pole that weighs as much as my road bike and practically tap dancing to maintain an on-board (as opposed to overboard) position in the rising swells. I had taken two Dramamines to ward of seasickness but wound up feeling pitched and druggy instead. After a while it was hard not to ask myself - "and this is fun, why?"
At about noon, I was reeling up what I was certain was another cod, and I was thinking about the Popeye forearm muscles I could build if I did this kind of fishing everyday, when my first flatfish finally surfaced. No sooner had I reeled him in the boat and dropped my line back down when I felt another familiar tap-tap-tap. Second halibut, within seconds. And just like that, I was done. Four hours of nothing. Eight minutes of fishing. Done.
But there is a certain satisfaction, a feeling of warmth and independence, in pulling up your very own "little guy" - one that will net you a cool 10 pounds of moist, melt-in-your-mouth fillets. It makes the whole morning of mindlessly bouncing a four-pound sinker with frozen fingers seem entertaining - even exhilarating. In this way, fishing can be a lot like bicycling. Or mountaineering. Or hitting yourself repeatedly in the head with a hammer. It doesn't feel good until you stop.
ReplyDeleteSo, umm, what do you do with it next?
Well i consider biking like hitting myself with a hammer in another spot on my anatomy. They call it fishing not catching. My bike habit destroyed my fly fishing habit.
ReplyDeleteI hope you enjoy your tasty halibut filets. I think halibut is tasty, but it doesn't like me. Sole and flounder doesn't like me, either.
ReplyDeleteThe times I've had halibut and sole, I ended up in a hospital emergency room. I was sweating profusely, my skin broke out in several shades of red, and I started wheezing as if I was having an asthma attack.
I thought about trying flounder when I was living in North Carolina, but when I saw a flounder looks much like a halibut, I passed.
I have to say that if I have to have a seafood allergy, I'm glad it's to halibut, sole and flounder rather than to shrimp, lobster and crabs!
Hey you caught more then our son and I did last weekend.
ReplyDeleteBut then again, he spent half the time lobbing big rocks into the water:-)
Suprising how good Halibut taste given they're scavengers. For those who haven't done it, imagine reeling in a 4x8 sheet of plywood from >=250'.
ReplyDeleteThat "eye rolling to the other side of the head" thing always freaked me out, too.
Pan fry the cheeks in garlic if you kept them!
I had always heard the fun part about fishing was the public drunkedness . . .
ReplyDeletepersonally, I'm scared of boats - they're creepy.
I once heard someone compare catching a halibut to pulling a truck tire off the bottom of the ocean. I've found that to be pretty true, except truck tires don't get within 5 feet of the surface and then dive back to the bottom, forcing you to do the work all over again.
ReplyDeleteThey're a pain in the butt (er, arms) but damn, they taste good.
Nice looking Halibut! I love Halibut, I ever get up to Ak, we'll have to hook up to fish! That includes your other half and my wife, by the way! ::GRIN::
ReplyDeleteI used to go flounder fishing as a kid in a coastal river off the Atlantic. They were the same shape but sure never saw anything like that!
ReplyDeleteDad would have had a heck of time cleaning it out in the kitchen sink...